Goals & Objectives

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Education generates knowledge and knowledge liberates man, It liberates man from the shackles of ignorance, poverty, disease, exploitation, prejudice, superstition, in-tolerance, jealously, religious fundamentalism, barbarism casteism, class consciousness, war apartheid and other anti-human feelings and social evils. The process of acquisition of knowledge is eduction. Man gets his education outside institution is known as informal eduction. Formal education is meant for awarding degree and certificate on specific area of knowledge but informal education does not have the same mission. Its scope is vast This college purports to build intellectually sharp, physically energetic, morally righteous, spiritually rich, culturally advanced, socially progressive, politically and economically self-sufficient young men and women who will steer the economically self-sufficient Odisha to economic progress and prosperity.

To make higher education qualitative and value based for socioeconomic development in all sections and to make students disciplined and socially responsible citizens.


  • To confer and conceal value based education to the students.
  • To make higher education accessible to the students particularly for economically weaker sections of the community.
  • To introduce self-financing course for the students prepare them for the students prepare them for the
  • To make higher education an effective tool for knowledge and disseminate it for greater interest of the community.
  • To develop a system and syllabus and syllabus as community based programmes particularly the major focussed areas of the land.


  • To provide knowledge and skill and enhance the quality of Human Resource of the country.
  • A systematic and scientific method of teaching- learning in the field of Humanities, Science & Technology, Commerce and Trade.
  • To be what we are and to become what are capable of becoming through essence of higher education.
  • To commit the students to excellence and strive them to do everything spectacularly well.


U.K. Mahabir College nourishes the following mission

  1. To provide education at a reasonable cost.
  2. To preserve the spirit of democracy.
  3. To generate employment for the young men and women.
  4. To restore the lost cultural heritage and maintain the glorious odia custom, tradition, mores, folk-ways, norms, values etc.
  5. To build a healthy and prosperous society through promising and enter prising young men and women.
  6. To make the earth a safe, sacred habitat for the flora and fauna.
  7. To move from darkness to lights.
  8. To provide good quality education with a systematic and scientific approach for the students to face the challenges at every sphere of life and to prepare them to serve the motherland as sincere, responsible and trustworthy citizens.